Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Those of you familiar with the Law of Attraction can attest to all the wondrous joys and happiness you have manifested into your lives. Changing our thoughts can truly change our lives.

We also know that through the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives what ever we give our attention, energies, or focus to. This applies to our business as well.

Having tools, such as the T-tool and Desire Statement allows us to define specifically what it is that we desire and enables us to effectively state our desires quite clearly.

Sometimes, even though we are doing everything we have been taught and are using the Law of Attraction correctly, nothing happens. This in itself can be very frustrating and once we become frustrated, we begin adding negative vibrations or energy into the mix. Now, not only is something keeping us from receiving our desire, but we are also getting irritated and frustrated about it. This is when a Law of Attraction Coach can be extremely beneficial.

Generally, when our desires do not manifest, a self limiting belief is to blame.

What is a self limiting belief and how does it affect the Law of Attraction?

I will use money as an example. Personally, I can recall hearing as a small child, when I asked to have a particular toy or something that I may have wanted the phrase “well, money doesn’t grow on trees”. Some of us were told that “nothing comes easy”; you “have to work hard for the money you make”. How about “rich, successful people aren’t nice” or “rich people don’t care about others. By hearing these statements over and over through our developing lives, hearing them first as younf children, we start to believe them. They eventually limit us by placing “terms” in regards to how we may achieve or acquire something we desire.

What ever the belief may be, it can actually keep us from allowing our desire to manifest – especially since the Law of Attraction tells us and shows us how we can manifest our desires so easily. That is, until one of these self limiting beliefs rears its ugly head!

A few of you may have been able to uncover a self limiting belief yourself, realizing it had been preventing you from allowing your desires to manifest. Some may continue to struggle, trying to understand why, after all of their continued, diligent efforts, nothing happens.

Resolving a self limiting belief is a situation that many Law of Attraction practitioners know well. Through coaching, we help our clients to discover what it is that is blocking them from manifesting their desire.

Once they realize what the self limiting belief is, resolving and removing it is the next step.

This is where EFT comes in.

I have seen amazing results, many of which I have experienced myself, using EFT. I use it regularly to help grow both my business as well as my personal life.

But just what is EFT?

EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, was developed by Gary Craig, a Certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Stanford engineering graduate, and ordained minister. EFT is based on the ancient art of acupuncture. Instead of using needles to stimulate the acupressure meridians, this “emotional version” of acupuncture uses a series of gentle tapping, thus realigning the energy fields of the body. EFT also incorporates the use of affirmations to further enhance the process of removing negative energies that may be causing our blocks.

Upon discovering a self limiting belief, EFT is a marvelous tool which enables us to purge from our bodies the negative energies this self limiting belief has been generating. Once this negative energy is removed, we can then focus on our desires and allow them to manifest in our life.

This wonderful, effective tool is yet another way your Law of Attraction Coach can assist you in skyrocketing your life or business.

To learn more about EFT, visit or contact a Law of Attraction Coach who is instructed in EFT. It can really change your life – for the better!

©2007 Judith A. Wentzel – Life & Business Coach, Law of Attraction Practitioner, EFT & Image Smarter Marketing Specialist. Assisting individuals and small business owners to unleash the power within and skyrocketing their lives and business since 1997.


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