Friday, August 22, 2008

We know that with the law of attraction, whatever we give our attention, energy or focus to, we will attract into our life, whether it is wanted or unwanted. So it is important to pay attention to how we are feeling and what emotions we are experiencing.

Keeping our emotional frequency up is not always easy but every now and then along comes a great little tip that makes things go a bit more smoothly.

Recently I learned a new technique to help raise your emotional level that works remarkably well and thought I would pass it along to you through my blog.

Whenever you find yourself upset, think of the emotion you are feeling and then take that emotion apart, letter by letter and create a word for each letter. After doing so, try and use all the word in a positive affirmative statement, such as a desire statement.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Let's say you had a disagreement with someone and you are feeling angry. Angry would be the word you would work with to lessen the emotion and move yourself up the emotional scale away from anger and into a higher, more positive emotional level.

Starting with the letter A, you would think of a word that would be motivating, uplifting or encouraging to you. One example might be Artistic.

The next letter is N. So, you might elect Nature for your word.

Now you would turn you attention on G. Perhaps you would select the world Gratitude.

Next in line would be the letter R. Receptive may come to mind.

Finally, the letter Y. For this letter, you may come up with the word Young.

Now comes the fun part. Creating a statement that is inspiring, uplifting, or even an affirmation from the words that came to mind when you broke apart the emotion, angry.

One I came up with was this: Walking in nature and viewing all the beautiful young plants relaxes me, allowing me to become more receptive, to feel renewed, and filling me with gratitude to God for such a beautiful environment to enjoy.

Do you see a difference in the way you feel when you read that statement?

Next time you have a negative emotion getting you down, try this technique and raise yourself back up several rungs on that emotional ladder.

Happy Attracting!

Isn't it time you transformed the quality of your life? Visit:


Monday, August 18, 2008

Dealing With Divorce: How to Love Yourself, Love Your Life Through the Journey is the title of a new group I have created to help women dealing with divorce.

Having experienced the painful divorce of my parents, the traumaitc divorce of my sister, my brother and several friends, I have seen and experienced first hand many of the devastating emotional issues that are a part of this life altering event.

Had I known about EFT back then, neither I nor any of my family or friends would have had to endure the suffering that all of us went through - or are still going through.

That is why I decided to create this group. To assist women dealing with divorce through the process. It doesn't matter if you are just beginning a divorce or have been divorced for several years. The pain you feel, the agony, misery, depression, the suffering can litterally begin to end right now!

EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is an energy technique that quickly calms you, allowing you to think more clearly, rationally. It allows you to release the anger, bitterness, resentment, and a host of other negative emotions and issues that women face when dealing with divorce.

The initial meeting will meet Tuesday, September 2nd from 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST. For more information, visit my registration page for this group.

During each 60 minute meeting, you will:
~Discuss issues and emotions you are currently dealing with.
~Discover how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
~Apply EFT on your issues and immediately see and feel results.
~Receive support, encouragement, and an environment designed for greater goal achievement.
~Receive a chart illustrating the primary Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping points showing you exactly where to tap for the greatest results.
~Learn step by step the Basic Recipe for using EFT on any issue you wish to resolve, in ANY area of your professional or personal life.
~Have the tools and ability you need to easily begin using EFTto transform the quality of your life.
~Receive coaching, resources, assistance in setting and achieving your goals and so much more.

Through continued membership, you will be introduced to the full procedure, including the 9 gamut procedure and gain greater confidence in using EFT as well as in yourself.

Through continued membership, you will learn about aspects, how to effectively deal with them in order to resolve your emotional issues.

This is one group is all about YOU and helping women dealing with divorce.
It is about healing and moving forward, loving yourself and loving your life again. Stop the pain and start loving yourself and loving your life. Register Today and start transforming the quality of your life.

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